1. Hold buttons 1 and 2 of the JMA remote control simultaneously pressed for 5 seconds until the red Led flashes.
2. Release and wait for it to go out
3. Press the button of the JMA remote control for the one on which you want to copy the original remote control.
4. The red Led will remain on
5. Position the two remote controls on a flat metallic surface facing each other at a distance less than 1 cm.
6. Maintain pressed the original remote control until the Led of the JMA remote control turns green and then red again.
7. Press the same button of the original remote control to send the second section
8. The Led of the JMA remote control will turn green and then red again, waiting for third section (REGISTERING)
9. We press again the button for registering the original remote control
10. The JMA remote control flashes in green. We have 4 options for copying
- Automatic copy mode: Press button 1 of the JMA remote control, a code will be automatically assigned This remote control will have to be registered in the installation
- Manual copy mode: Press button 2 of the JMA remote control Now we should introduce the number to the code of the original remote control to add or subtract into the JMA remote control Button 1 of the JMA remote control is for the units, button 2 for the tens and 3 for the hundreds This way, if we want to add 127 places, we would press the third button once, the second one twice, and the first one seven times. Button 4 alternates between adding and subtracting, changing between green (add) and red (subtract) Leds. Lastly, we press the registering button of the JMA remote control situated at the rear part of the remote control to leave this mode.
- Clone mode copy: Pressing button 3 of the JMA remote control we generate a clone equal to the original remote control.
- Scanner mode: To do this we have to press button 4. This option generates a remote control that will scan for different serial numbers. After having made the process this way, we go to the garage and press the button where the control is recorded. This will start to emit codes starting from the original serial number forwards. When we see the door open, press the backwards button to stop the scan. As the scan is very quick, it is possible that the code where the scan stops is higher than the one really needed. Therefore, we wait until the door is closed again and once again, we press the button where we have recorded the remote control. In this case, the codes will be sent in backwards order, but slower. When the door opens again, we press the backwards button for 5 seconds until both Leds flash. If we want to re-start the operation from zero, we press the rear button for less than 5 seconds.
In the case of being a Keeloq revolving code that is not on the list, after the three pressings the Led of the remote control will turn red indicating copy failed. We should press any button to leave the programming mode.